She was on Maddow last night and it was wonderful to hear from her! People should know that she's received many death threats. A minister. Who spoke about Mercy.
Ugh, I'm not surprised after hearing the backlash. Imagine living in a world where an esteemed religious figure calls for decency and kindness and is met with vitriol and hatred. That about sums up this administration. Disgusting. :(
I too found Bishop Budde's remarks to President Trump at the National Cathedral to be encouraging, and I too I was not surprised by the angry reaction those remarks elicited from the president and his supporters. It seems that most Americans are, indeed, as the Bishop put it, "scared now," frightened by and afraid of many of the changes they see happening in our own nation and abroad. Is this not as true among the president's supporters who fear other changes as it is of those who share the Bishop's stated concerns?
One factor that usually goes unremarked on is the rate of change in both social and technological arenas. It takes time for people to adjust to change, and the breakneck speed at which we are moving is unlike anything humanity has ever before experienced. My grandmother recalled that as a young girl she saw the first automobile to arrive in the state of Arkansas. She lived to see men walking on the moon, helicopters fleeing the U.S. embassy in Saigon, and the space shuttle Challenger exploding in the sky above Florida. Today, those who are obsessed primarily if not exclusively with technological innovations and profiting from it ("a favored few, booted and spurred"?), have their expensively shod feet on the accelerator.
There is no true greatness without, first, goodness. What happens when culture advances too fast, when material and technological achievement outpace the evolution of our moral and spiritual development?
Is there a social and psychological relationship between what some see as toxic masculinity and a desire by some sensitive young people to change one's sex? Is hyper-masculinity fueled in part by fear and it's shadow, hate?
My father's generation fought fascist genocidal regimes and successfully defeated them during WWII, at great cost—almost one half million Americans were killed and many more were grievously wounded. Our government's most important and effective ally during WWII, the USSR, lost some 26 million dead and many more wounded. Today, our government is engaged in a proxy war in Ukraine and in incredibly dangerous nuclear brinkmanship with Russia while blocking the world's highest courts' efforts to halt a genocide in Gaza.
If the wealthiest one percent were the wisest one percent, would our government be threatening other nuclear superpowers with war? Would both major parties in Official Washington be actively supporting genocide in Gaza despite a majority of Americans' desire that our government stop giving arms to Israel in violation of our own laws? Would Los Angeles be on fire? Would health care insurance executives and managers be getting themselves fitted for body armor? Would much of the world be backing away from America, our government's endless wars and punishing sanctions, and our leaders' empty rhetoric about making the world safe for democracy?
Genocide is a deal breaker. Those who turn a blind eye to it cede their moral legitimacy. Decent people may fear genocidal maniacs but they do not like them.
Great leaders, successful leaders, seek common ground and find ways to bring people together there in pursuit of their common goals.
"The mind of evolutionary man is ever confronted with the intricate problem of refereeing the contest between the natural expansion of emotional impulses and the moral growth of unselfish urges predicated on spiritual insight—genuine religious reflection."
As a Christian, it angers and saddens me that the biggest mouths out there proclaiming they are Christian don't take any orders or suggestions from Christ. They think they've kidnapped Christianity, much as they think molesting the flag shows they're patriots.
Kudos to Bishop Budde, speaking up much like Dietrich Bonhoeffer did to Adolf Hitler. I pray she doesn't meet the same fate.
It always amazes me the level of hate dished out by Americans, by Iowans, by neighbors. I remember one memorable post I reposted at the start of the Biden administration, showing some level of hope. A neighbor responded that I was “drinking the Koolaid of a Democrat.” (as a reference to the Jonestown, Guyana Jim Jones massacre). I was appalled. Right now, I am fearful. But I have to remind myself that Bishop Mariann Budde was afraid too, but she had the bravery to call upon DJT to have mercy, and all he could do was have a toddler tantrum. The entitled mob boss attitude was expected. Good for Bishop Budde for having the bravery to beseech our petulant president and his entourage into showing mercy to the LGTBQIA+ community, to undocumented immigrants who are paying taxes while working the most undesirable jobs in the most dangerous, risk adverse conditions or under appreciated jobs or hours. Bishop Budde showed grace and courage into leaning in on the teachings of Jesus. We all can ‘lean in’ like Bishop Budde.
"Studies have shown transgender women have a much higher likelihood of being sexually assaulted in prison when housed in male cells."
It has also been shown that women prisoners are more likely to be raped, assaulted and impregnated if they're housed with trans identified men like Tremaine Carroll, Adam Laboucan, Ramel Blount, Demi Minor, Hannah Tubbs, Christopher Williams, Isla Bryson, Marina Voltz, Ashley Romero and hundreds more. Why is there no concern for the women prisoners locked in with these guys with no escaping from them? Many of these women had previously been victims of male violence. Trans identified men are more likely to have committed sexual crimes than the average criminal. Why can't the admonition "Be Kind" ever apply to women and girls?
Dear Rekha, thank you for your reply. Please look up on the internet some of the names I've mentioned here. This trend goes back for some time but is barely covered by the mainstream media so it's not surprising that you're not aware of the violence and threats of trans against women. One of the cases first brought to the attention of those of us concerned with violence against women was the case of Dana Rivers who fought to shutdown the Michigan Women's Festival if they wouldn't let trans identified men attend. He finally killed 2 women and their child. I think he's now in a women's prison. To find out about many of these cases you can check out the REDUXX website. Or the substack of Julie Bindel a former Guardian writer or Kara Dansky's substack a forner lawyer for ACLU who worker for humane treatment of prisoners.
Wonderful article, as always. I couldn't watch the Inauguration but I did see Budde's beautiful call for mercy and kindness. I watched the looks tRump and JD Vance and tRump's brood gave one another, the snide side-eyes and Vance trying desperately to get his wife's attention to no avail. She stared straight ahead. Good for her. It reminded me of middle school children trying to annoy a substitute teacher. "I'm not listening, you're not my real teacher!" They really are playground bullies beating up the kids who they deem different, only meaner and more powerful. I'm beyond angry at this point and have moved to deep sadness for all my LGBTQ friends and all the families about to be deported and separated, for my child who has cystic fibrosis, as they threaten to cut Medicaid and end paycaps on pharmaceuticals and no doubt pay caps on medical insurance. The only thing keeping me sane is knowing there are good people among us, who are just as sad and angry, outraged and unwilling to let this go down without a fight.
2 weeks in and this administration is doing nothing but causing fear, chaos and instability in our world. There is no predictability in our world. Anyone who participates in a program that receives federal funding has no clue if they will continue to receive those benefits. Nonprofits do not know if they can continue services or expand.
Now we have a mafia crew moving through our government disrupting everything.
Could we get an update on the Postville raid including Trump‘s commutation of the sentence of the owner and his justice department interfering in the punishment of other owners, executives, andsupervisors?
What happened to the Guatemalans who were exported?
I have to say my piece. In regard to the sermon that Trump didn't like, wasn't he free to get up and leave instead of letting his tender ears hear what he didn't want to hear?
I should like to hear his explanation of how recognition of the rights of people - transgender people - hurt him and others. Is it the sports thing, the bathroom thing, the prison thing or the military thing?? He doesn't have a reasonable answer.
Pardoning dangerous people is the worst thing I've ever heard of. Most of them have been tried and convicted and sentenced. Is he going to pay back the American People for the costs of these trials and the costs of repairing the Capitol. Is he going to give back the lives of the people who died as a result?
Border security: OK - kick out the ones serving time in prison for crimes committed here. If their countries will take them back. Leave the others alone. And if Ice goes into a school and scares the begeezus out of some little kid by escorting them out of the classroom, I just don't know what I will do. If someone would tell me, I would do almost anything to rectify this insanity immediately. Really!!! Also, who is paying for the deployment of 10,000 troops to the border for the purpose of him grandstanding? The tax-payers. His voters and non-voters will be digging in their pockets soon to pay for all of this nonsense.
We've got to get him out someway, somehow. Impeach him. Fine him. Have him committed.
I am disappointed no one ever mentions intersex people. Current trend has been to allow babies to develop as nature intended. Hindu religion recognizes this 3rd sex which occurs in both humans and animals.
Just pay attention and look for the people and groups who share your feelings to make connections with. It’ll remind you you’re not alone and maybe point to ways to take constructive action.
She was on Maddow last night and it was wonderful to hear from her! People should know that she's received many death threats. A minister. Who spoke about Mercy.
Ugh, I'm not surprised after hearing the backlash. Imagine living in a world where an esteemed religious figure calls for decency and kindness and is met with vitriol and hatred. That about sums up this administration. Disgusting. :(
She was calm, measured, articulate, brave and empathetic.
The sad part of this is that Fox News called her a lunatic, and even sadder that Republican followers will believe that.
What a courageous spiritual leader. Her words meant so much to many US citizens.
I too found Bishop Budde's remarks to President Trump at the National Cathedral to be encouraging, and I too I was not surprised by the angry reaction those remarks elicited from the president and his supporters. It seems that most Americans are, indeed, as the Bishop put it, "scared now," frightened by and afraid of many of the changes they see happening in our own nation and abroad. Is this not as true among the president's supporters who fear other changes as it is of those who share the Bishop's stated concerns?
One factor that usually goes unremarked on is the rate of change in both social and technological arenas. It takes time for people to adjust to change, and the breakneck speed at which we are moving is unlike anything humanity has ever before experienced. My grandmother recalled that as a young girl she saw the first automobile to arrive in the state of Arkansas. She lived to see men walking on the moon, helicopters fleeing the U.S. embassy in Saigon, and the space shuttle Challenger exploding in the sky above Florida. Today, those who are obsessed primarily if not exclusively with technological innovations and profiting from it ("a favored few, booted and spurred"?), have their expensively shod feet on the accelerator.
There is no true greatness without, first, goodness. What happens when culture advances too fast, when material and technological achievement outpace the evolution of our moral and spiritual development?
Is there a social and psychological relationship between what some see as toxic masculinity and a desire by some sensitive young people to change one's sex? Is hyper-masculinity fueled in part by fear and it's shadow, hate?
My father's generation fought fascist genocidal regimes and successfully defeated them during WWII, at great cost—almost one half million Americans were killed and many more were grievously wounded. Our government's most important and effective ally during WWII, the USSR, lost some 26 million dead and many more wounded. Today, our government is engaged in a proxy war in Ukraine and in incredibly dangerous nuclear brinkmanship with Russia while blocking the world's highest courts' efforts to halt a genocide in Gaza.
If the wealthiest one percent were the wisest one percent, would our government be threatening other nuclear superpowers with war? Would both major parties in Official Washington be actively supporting genocide in Gaza despite a majority of Americans' desire that our government stop giving arms to Israel in violation of our own laws? Would Los Angeles be on fire? Would health care insurance executives and managers be getting themselves fitted for body armor? Would much of the world be backing away from America, our government's endless wars and punishing sanctions, and our leaders' empty rhetoric about making the world safe for democracy?
Genocide is a deal breaker. Those who turn a blind eye to it cede their moral legitimacy. Decent people may fear genocidal maniacs but they do not like them.
Great leaders, successful leaders, seek common ground and find ways to bring people together there in pursuit of their common goals.
"The mind of evolutionary man is ever confronted with the intricate problem of refereeing the contest between the natural expansion of emotional impulses and the moral growth of unselfish urges predicated on spiritual insight—genuine religious reflection."
As a Christian, it angers and saddens me that the biggest mouths out there proclaiming they are Christian don't take any orders or suggestions from Christ. They think they've kidnapped Christianity, much as they think molesting the flag shows they're patriots.
Kudos to Bishop Budde, speaking up much like Dietrich Bonhoeffer did to Adolf Hitler. I pray she doesn't meet the same fate.
It always amazes me the level of hate dished out by Americans, by Iowans, by neighbors. I remember one memorable post I reposted at the start of the Biden administration, showing some level of hope. A neighbor responded that I was “drinking the Koolaid of a Democrat.” (as a reference to the Jonestown, Guyana Jim Jones massacre). I was appalled. Right now, I am fearful. But I have to remind myself that Bishop Mariann Budde was afraid too, but she had the bravery to call upon DJT to have mercy, and all he could do was have a toddler tantrum. The entitled mob boss attitude was expected. Good for Bishop Budde for having the bravery to beseech our petulant president and his entourage into showing mercy to the LGTBQIA+ community, to undocumented immigrants who are paying taxes while working the most undesirable jobs in the most dangerous, risk adverse conditions or under appreciated jobs or hours. Bishop Budde showed grace and courage into leaning in on the teachings of Jesus. We all can ‘lean in’ like Bishop Budde.
Thank you for this. She makes me so proud and was absolutely the lift I needed during these long, challenging days.
"Studies have shown transgender women have a much higher likelihood of being sexually assaulted in prison when housed in male cells."
It has also been shown that women prisoners are more likely to be raped, assaulted and impregnated if they're housed with trans identified men like Tremaine Carroll, Adam Laboucan, Ramel Blount, Demi Minor, Hannah Tubbs, Christopher Williams, Isla Bryson, Marina Voltz, Ashley Romero and hundreds more. Why is there no concern for the women prisoners locked in with these guys with no escaping from them? Many of these women had previously been victims of male violence. Trans identified men are more likely to have committed sexual crimes than the average criminal. Why can't the admonition "Be Kind" ever apply to women and girls?
Betsy, of course there should be if that is a significant occurrence. I wasn’t aware.
Dear Rekha, thank you for your reply. Please look up on the internet some of the names I've mentioned here. This trend goes back for some time but is barely covered by the mainstream media so it's not surprising that you're not aware of the violence and threats of trans against women. One of the cases first brought to the attention of those of us concerned with violence against women was the case of Dana Rivers who fought to shutdown the Michigan Women's Festival if they wouldn't let trans identified men attend. He finally killed 2 women and their child. I think he's now in a women's prison. To find out about many of these cases you can check out the REDUXX website. Or the substack of Julie Bindel a former Guardian writer or Kara Dansky's substack a forner lawyer for ACLU who worker for humane treatment of prisoners.
For information on this widespread phenomenon please see:
Wonderful article, as always. I couldn't watch the Inauguration but I did see Budde's beautiful call for mercy and kindness. I watched the looks tRump and JD Vance and tRump's brood gave one another, the snide side-eyes and Vance trying desperately to get his wife's attention to no avail. She stared straight ahead. Good for her. It reminded me of middle school children trying to annoy a substitute teacher. "I'm not listening, you're not my real teacher!" They really are playground bullies beating up the kids who they deem different, only meaner and more powerful. I'm beyond angry at this point and have moved to deep sadness for all my LGBTQ friends and all the families about to be deported and separated, for my child who has cystic fibrosis, as they threaten to cut Medicaid and end paycaps on pharmaceuticals and no doubt pay caps on medical insurance. The only thing keeping me sane is knowing there are good people among us, who are just as sad and angry, outraged and unwilling to let this go down without a fight.
Thanks for this. I was also wondering about Vance’s wife and even, at times, Trump’s. I refuse to believe they’re on board with all of this.
To my eye, Mrs. Vance was on board with the Bishop. I imagine she is really struggling. What a miserable life. I do feel sorry for her.
Please be kind to Sonya.
2 weeks in and this administration is doing nothing but causing fear, chaos and instability in our world. There is no predictability in our world. Anyone who participates in a program that receives federal funding has no clue if they will continue to receive those benefits. Nonprofits do not know if they can continue services or expand.
Now we have a mafia crew moving through our government disrupting everything.
Could we see an update on the Postville Iowa raid including Trump‘s commutation of the sentence of the owner?
What happened to the Guatemalan‘s who were exported?
What happened to Postville the city and the plant?
Could we get an update on the Postville raid including Trump‘s commutation of the sentence of the owner and his justice department interfering in the punishment of other owners, executives, andsupervisors?
What happened to the Guatemalans who were exported?
What happened to Postville?
I have to say my piece. In regard to the sermon that Trump didn't like, wasn't he free to get up and leave instead of letting his tender ears hear what he didn't want to hear?
I should like to hear his explanation of how recognition of the rights of people - transgender people - hurt him and others. Is it the sports thing, the bathroom thing, the prison thing or the military thing?? He doesn't have a reasonable answer.
Pardoning dangerous people is the worst thing I've ever heard of. Most of them have been tried and convicted and sentenced. Is he going to pay back the American People for the costs of these trials and the costs of repairing the Capitol. Is he going to give back the lives of the people who died as a result?
Border security: OK - kick out the ones serving time in prison for crimes committed here. If their countries will take them back. Leave the others alone. And if Ice goes into a school and scares the begeezus out of some little kid by escorting them out of the classroom, I just don't know what I will do. If someone would tell me, I would do almost anything to rectify this insanity immediately. Really!!! Also, who is paying for the deployment of 10,000 troops to the border for the purpose of him grandstanding? The tax-payers. His voters and non-voters will be digging in their pockets soon to pay for all of this nonsense.
We've got to get him out someway, somehow. Impeach him. Fine him. Have him committed.
I am disappointed no one ever mentions intersex people. Current trend has been to allow babies to develop as nature intended. Hindu religion recognizes this 3rd sex which occurs in both humans and animals.
I don’t think there’s enough awareness of them here for anyone to be campaigning against them, and that may be a good thing.
What can we do?
Just pay attention and look for the people and groups who share your feelings to make connections with. It’ll remind you you’re not alone and maybe point to ways to take constructive action.