Thank you, Rekha.

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Excellent column, Rekha. I thought the 2010 campaign against the three justices was wrong in every respect. No justice should be booted because of one ruling. This time is different, though. In 2018, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled women had a fundamental constitutional right to abortion. The only thing that has changed is who is wearing the robes. Fundamental rights should not be altered because of a change in court personnel. That leaves us with the rule of personal beliefs, not the rule of law.

I don’t know Justice May. But I’m voting against his retention.

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Thanks, Dave. I shared your view in 2010 but there are so many nuances and moving parts to this, as you say.

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If a voter needs another reason to vote against retention, this story in today’s Register might be it. It’s unconscionable to force a child sex abuse victim to testify against their accuser face-to-face. Check out this article from Des Moines Register:

Iowan serving life for sexually abusing minor gets new trial after video testimony ruling


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