The perhaps mortal infection the Republic is suffering was on ugly display that night, but only more publicly than on other days. The ugly meanness and smallness of these people is stunning, but so is the matching blindness and affirmation of half of our citizens who see and hear as we do and also cheer wildly for the actions being taken. Trump and his MAGA followers, in and out of Congress are really a mirror showing us what “America” for all too many has become!
America has descended into a morass of selfish, lying, bullying where those in power gleefully echo lies and hate with toothy grins and cheers as long as it helps further their own personal power. We are in a dark place where the lies are held up as truth, decent folk are silenced, and the only thing that matters to our “leaders” is maintaining their power. Truth doesn’t matter, morality is unknown, and our country can be lost to dictatorship and they don’t care at all. Difficult to see how we can make it through 4 years of this horror.
Thank you for reporting on this lie fest for me. I'm glad I missed seeing it live because I like my present TV and would feel ashamed if I went Full Elvis on it.
Thank you for this essay, Rekha. I spent most of February traveling to and throughout New Zealand using public transportation, air, train, and bus. As soon as people from other countries realized I was from the U.S. and traveling solo they wanted to talk to me about our life with the idiot in the White House. Everyone is so terribly concerned about us. People from around the world know what a liar and dangerous person he is. I’ve called our senators and get letters full of mumbo-jumbo bragging about their accomplishments without addressing my concerns. What more can a concerned person do?
Thank you, Marjorie. That makes me want to head to New Zealand! I think we have to protect our sanity while pushing back in whatever ways we can, whether marching in protests, writing letters to the editor on how different groups are being hurt, getting together with others who share our concerns and planning specific response as each new assault on our rights occurs.
The 12 Democrats who voted to censure Representative Green tells you a whole lot about "decorum" if you are interested in democracy for the country! If you expect the Democrats to rise up and stop Trump, you better be looking at these 12 and what they are likely to not do in the face of Trump! It appears the woodpile is full of rats, and branding them with Democrat or Republican, makes no difference, the lot is simply filled with traitorious and contempable greedy thieves that we the people mistakenly voted in to protect us from"greedy thieves and traitors"!
Lest we forget it was Joe Biden, Blinken, General Austin, Linda Greenfield-Thomas and their whole retinue who paved the way with 2,000 pound bombs and merciless slaughter for Trump and Netanyahu to claim Gaza as real estate. Now that the seemingly mad Trump is in power people are forgetting who put him there. People couldn't stomach Genocide Joe, Bloodthirsty Blinken or the erasure of women's identity, safe spaces, sports and shelters, which led millions to avoid voting or to vote for impossible candidates. The Dems could have run Sanders or Warren to give voters some choice, but instead they preferred to stick with the genocideers. This isn’t just the product of the corrupt, egomanical Trump, it's also consequence of the corrupt credit card Senator Biden and his entourage who never saw a war he didn't like . He's the one who gave billions to Israeli to slaughter the Palestinians so now the next in line is reaping the whirlwind.
The agenda to annihilate Palestine goes way back before Dominick Suter's Urban Moving Systems with Sivan & Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Schmuel, Oded Ellner & Omer Marmari filmed the 911 plane crash,
or the Kushner crime family and Trump son-in-law Jared prepared the way for Netanyahu and Biden's genocide by initiating the Abraham Accords to tie the hands of other Arab countries to keep them from interfering as the genocide progressed. So now ex-con Daddy Charles Kushner is rewarded with a cushy, prestigious post as Ambassador to France. And the beat goes on with two gangs, Dems & GOP, funded by the same corporations and multinationals, viciously vying to be the public face for their campaign donors.
The marathon of negative actions is going to burn us out if we don’t find a pace that includes self preservation.
I am a privileged white elder and have never felt so attacked by a brutal regime that is tearing apart the very foundation that was built and improved over 200 years.
I also wondered why the Supreme Court was in attendance. What we can do is disagree with whatever nonsense is said civilly and by knowing the facts for a rebuttal. I learned a long time ago that people may not acknowledge what you are saying and probably won’t change their beliefs. They do hear it, tho. That’s why I get frustrated when I hear someone saying that they just stopped trying to talk when they receive the same inane comments back. We can’t convince but we can keep saying, “ no, what you heard is a lie. The truth is…. “And then you can walk away. They have heard you.
Thank you for this listing of the lies and inconsistencies we listened to, one after the other from our so called president. He is a shyster, scamming the American people, trying to hurt his “enemies” and destroy democracy. I am so grateful for your powerful voice.
Thank you, Rekha. I did not watch but everything I have seen described it as a s*#t show galore in so many words. What do you suppose John Roberts was thinking? My fear is that it was “Good on me.” Mary Trump described the slap on the back as a classic mob move. 🤦♀️
Thanks and lucky you, Kathi. I took to eating manically while watching it. There may have been some wine consumed. John Roberts has actually said that he thinks it inappropriate for Supreme Court members to be there. I agree.
The perhaps mortal infection the Republic is suffering was on ugly display that night, but only more publicly than on other days. The ugly meanness and smallness of these people is stunning, but so is the matching blindness and affirmation of half of our citizens who see and hear as we do and also cheer wildly for the actions being taken. Trump and his MAGA followers, in and out of Congress are really a mirror showing us what “America” for all too many has become!
America has descended into a morass of selfish, lying, bullying where those in power gleefully echo lies and hate with toothy grins and cheers as long as it helps further their own personal power. We are in a dark place where the lies are held up as truth, decent folk are silenced, and the only thing that matters to our “leaders” is maintaining their power. Truth doesn’t matter, morality is unknown, and our country can be lost to dictatorship and they don’t care at all. Difficult to see how we can make it through 4 years of this horror.
thank you Rekha - some civility and thoughtfulness in this dangerous time
Thank you for reporting on this lie fest for me. I'm glad I missed seeing it live because I like my present TV and would feel ashamed if I went Full Elvis on it.
You could not have stated it all better! Thank you!
Thank you, Pat.
Thank you for this essay, Rekha. I spent most of February traveling to and throughout New Zealand using public transportation, air, train, and bus. As soon as people from other countries realized I was from the U.S. and traveling solo they wanted to talk to me about our life with the idiot in the White House. Everyone is so terribly concerned about us. People from around the world know what a liar and dangerous person he is. I’ve called our senators and get letters full of mumbo-jumbo bragging about their accomplishments without addressing my concerns. What more can a concerned person do?
Thank you, Marjorie. That makes me want to head to New Zealand! I think we have to protect our sanity while pushing back in whatever ways we can, whether marching in protests, writing letters to the editor on how different groups are being hurt, getting together with others who share our concerns and planning specific response as each new assault on our rights occurs.
Eventually we will probably have to use civil disobedience. We need folks out training people - this is for the long haul.
The 12 Democrats who voted to censure Representative Green tells you a whole lot about "decorum" if you are interested in democracy for the country! If you expect the Democrats to rise up and stop Trump, you better be looking at these 12 and what they are likely to not do in the face of Trump! It appears the woodpile is full of rats, and branding them with Democrat or Republican, makes no difference, the lot is simply filled with traitorious and contempable greedy thieves that we the people mistakenly voted in to protect us from"greedy thieves and traitors"!
I can't be civil in the face of betrayal.
Lest we forget it was Joe Biden, Blinken, General Austin, Linda Greenfield-Thomas and their whole retinue who paved the way with 2,000 pound bombs and merciless slaughter for Trump and Netanyahu to claim Gaza as real estate. Now that the seemingly mad Trump is in power people are forgetting who put him there. People couldn't stomach Genocide Joe, Bloodthirsty Blinken or the erasure of women's identity, safe spaces, sports and shelters, which led millions to avoid voting or to vote for impossible candidates. The Dems could have run Sanders or Warren to give voters some choice, but instead they preferred to stick with the genocideers. This isn’t just the product of the corrupt, egomanical Trump, it's also consequence of the corrupt credit card Senator Biden and his entourage who never saw a war he didn't like . He's the one who gave billions to Israeli to slaughter the Palestinians so now the next in line is reaping the whirlwind.
The agenda to annihilate Palestine goes way back before Dominick Suter's Urban Moving Systems with Sivan & Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Schmuel, Oded Ellner & Omer Marmari filmed the 911 plane crash,
or the Kushner crime family and Trump son-in-law Jared prepared the way for Netanyahu and Biden's genocide by initiating the Abraham Accords to tie the hands of other Arab countries to keep them from interfering as the genocide progressed. So now ex-con Daddy Charles Kushner is rewarded with a cushy, prestigious post as Ambassador to France. And the beat goes on with two gangs, Dems & GOP, funded by the same corporations and multinationals, viciously vying to be the public face for their campaign donors.
The marathon of negative actions is going to burn us out if we don’t find a pace that includes self preservation.
I am a privileged white elder and have never felt so attacked by a brutal regime that is tearing apart the very foundation that was built and improved over 200 years.
I also wondered why the Supreme Court was in attendance. What we can do is disagree with whatever nonsense is said civilly and by knowing the facts for a rebuttal. I learned a long time ago that people may not acknowledge what you are saying and probably won’t change their beliefs. They do hear it, tho. That’s why I get frustrated when I hear someone saying that they just stopped trying to talk when they receive the same inane comments back. We can’t convince but we can keep saying, “ no, what you heard is a lie. The truth is…. “And then you can walk away. They have heard you.
Thank you for this listing of the lies and inconsistencies we listened to, one after the other from our so called president. He is a shyster, scamming the American people, trying to hurt his “enemies” and destroy democracy. I am so grateful for your powerful voice.
Thank you, dearest Virginia!
Thank you, Rekha. I did not watch but everything I have seen described it as a s*#t show galore in so many words. What do you suppose John Roberts was thinking? My fear is that it was “Good on me.” Mary Trump described the slap on the back as a classic mob move. 🤦♀️
Thanks and lucky you, Kathi. I took to eating manically while watching it. There may have been some wine consumed. John Roberts has actually said that he thinks it inappropriate for Supreme Court members to be there. I agree.